Anonymous Web form

Informations about this page This web page offers an anonymous access to the ARCHES X-Match tool. It uses the ARCHES X-Match HTTP API. For a scriptable version, download this bash script and/or see this page. Both login and password are 'anonymous'.
  • The documentation explaining how to write scripts is available here
  • The anonymous session last 30 minutes after the last operation: after this delay, the content of the remote directory is removed.
  • If more than 10 jobs are already executing, your job will be rejected and you will have to re-submit is later.
  • Your job will be automatically stopped after 10 minutes.
  • The tool is designed to process small jobs: to deal with large catalogues, it is the user responsability to slice the problem into smaller parts.
  • Idem if the job last more than 10 minutes: you must slice into smaller pieces.
  • The code uses STILT to read and write tables having various format (VOTable, FITS, ...)
  • This we page has been created by F.-X. Pineau, CDS.
Remote directory

File list:

X-match script Script examples

Type, modify or copy/paste here the xmatch script to be executed:

Result log